Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Clitoria, Butterfly Flea, (Sinhala: Katarolu, කටරොළු)

Clitoria ternatea, Butterfly Flea, (Sinhala: Katarolu, කටරොළු) two types blue or white flowers.  The blue flower variety is very common and grows wild and considered a weed in rural areas. 


  • Southeast Asia, the flower is used as a natural food colouring
  • Thai cuisine the flowers are dipped in batter and fried.

Tea from the flower

  • Flower tea and dried lemongrass
  • with lemon juice turns it purple
  • With honey and lemon gives the tea a pink-purple color

With Gin

  •  Blue in the bottle (Needs to be stored in a dark place to keep color)
  •  Pink when mixed with a carbonated mixer


Also see